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The Management & Financial Consulting Services provided through us arise from our philosophy that collecting all the scattered performance elements to know the complete picture of institutional performance is the key to entering the world of high-performance institutions, where there is no place for coincidence.

We provide management consultations that provide a scientific methodology to collect all the details that help organizations clarify the vision of the decisions they make “based on facts” and the procedures they must take to deal with their external environment by making appropriate changes in their internal environment.

Overall performance is a measure of the results achieved by the institution, and this depends on the extent of the influence of a series of internal and external success factors. Since institutional performance lies in the weakest links of this chain, the quality of identifying, analyzing and treating these factors is what determines the performance result.

Management consulting to improve performance

The success of initiatives to improve institutional performance requires addressing many of the details necessary to bridge the gap between strategic decisions and implementing change initiatives within the framework of the institution’s reality and capabilities.

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